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The Maes group

Organic Synthesis (ORSY) research division 
at University of Antwerp

Take a look at our research, ongoing projects or latest publications! 

Networks @UAntwerp

The Maes group is part of the Organic Synthesis (ORSY) research division of the Department of Chemistry (Unive​​​​rsity of Antwerp). They participate in several networks within the University of Antwerp, such as the Center of Excellence CAS​​C​​H (Catalysis for Sustainably Organic Chemistry), and the valorization consortium InS​​usChem (Integrated Sustainable Chemistry).

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Research focus

The core expertise of the Maes group of the ORSY division is the development of sustainable synthesis methodologies, both catalytic and non-catalytic. These organic synthesis methods start from renewable as well as petrochemical derived building blocks. The renewable platform molecules are derived from products of wood biorefinery and fermentation of 2G carbohydrates, hereby contributing to a transition to a low-carbon chemical industry of the future. The developed methods are evaluated by Green Metrics on their greenness. The Maes group participates in many Flemish/Belgian and European multipartner projects. Based on the expertise of the group there are multiple collaborations with chemical and pharmaceutical companies in the chemical industry.

Check out our res​​earch

The fascinating complexity of aqueous acid catalysis 
in nanoconfinement.

Read M​​​​​​​​​​ore

We are looking for you!

The Maes group is continuously looking for motivated Erasmus, PhD students and postdoctoral researchers. Send your CV, motivational letter, a summary of your research and contact information of at least two references to!

Master students looking for a PhD position and Erasmus students should add a transcript of their study marks.

 Contact us